Generali Investments AD Skopje (Генерали Инвестментс АД Скопје), Partizanski odredi 14A/1-2, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, manages the following funds: Generali BRIC, Generali Nova EU, Generali Cash deposit and Generali Top Brands. Hard copies of the prospectus including the fund rules, all the Information related to the funds and its products, and the latest published annual and semi-annual reports in the Macedonian language are available to investors free of charge at the company’s headquarters and in e-format on this website.
The data contained in the Prospectus, together with the Statute of the each Fund, which determinates the legal relations of the Investment Fund Management Company General Invest AD Skopje with the owners of Funds, creates a legal entity containing all necessary information, on which potential investors can make a sensible decision to invest in the funds. Before making any investment decision, any prospective investor is obliged to read carefully the Prospectus and the Statute in order to know what kind of investment is involved and the risks associated with the investments.
Past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. Variations in the fund unit values largely depend on the situation in capital markets. As unit values may grow or fall, future returns can either be higher or lower than past returns. There is a likelihood that investors may not be repaid all assets they invest in a fund during the saving period. The computations exclude subscription fees, redemption fees and taxes, potentially paid by the investor, which would otherwise decrease the presented rate of return.
The fees charged by the investor to the Funds are: entry fee deducted from the amount paid at the time of the sale of the units and exit fee deducted from the net value of the fund units at the moment of redemption if the investment conditions are not met. The highest rate of entry and exit fee is 5%, and the lowest rate of entry and exit fee is 0%.
Voting rights on behalf of the investment funds can be exercised by the Company directly by attending the Assembly through an internal or external proxy. In doing so, it is decided based on an assessment of the potential benefits of the investment funds whether it will exercise the right to vote. The representatives of the Company directly attend the Assembly as a rule:
– if the investments of all investment funds in the capital of the issuer represent more than 1% of their total assets, or
– if the investment of an individual investment fund in the capital of the issuer represents more than 5% of its assets.
At Assemblies in the companies in Republic of North Macedonia, the Company usually exercises voting rights directly, and abroad through an external proxy. The company generally does not exercise the right to vote at the Assemblies of the issuers in which it has shares.
The employees of the Company do not participate in the management bodies of other commercial companies.
Investment in any of the Generali funds is not a banking service and is therefore not included in the guarantee scheme for deposits at banks and savings banks.
The data for the operations of funds are available on the website
Risk and reward profile
The Risk and Reward Profile reflects the ratio between the risk and the potential return on an investment in the fund and is based on fluctuations of the unit value over the past 5 years. The historical data used when calculating the indicator are not necessarily a reliable indicator of the fund’s risk profile in the future. There is no guarantee that the category of risk and return will remain stable, and the categorisation of the fund may change over time. The lowest category on a scale does not mean a risk-free investment.
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- Head office
Bld Parizanski Odredi 14a/1-2,
1000 Skopje, R.N. Macedonia