Fund details

1-year performance* 3-year performance* 5-year performance*
11,08 % 10,52 % 27,24 %
Generali Top Brands
Fund type Combined Fund
Custody fee
0,35 %
Subscription fee 0% - 5 %
Redemption fee 0% - 3 %
Management fee 3 %
Fund's incorporation date 10. 06. 2014
NAV 25.07.2024 (in MKD) 788.156.302,24
Bank account 210-0636457805-73
ISIN code 9110000000127

The investment objective of the fund is to increase the value of the property, ie increase in the price of the share, in the long run. Given the investment objectives and policy, Generali TOP BRANDS is primarily intended for investors with a medium or long term investment horizon and a moderate degree of risk tolerance who want investments in large companies that are leaders in their industries and have a long history of paying dividends to investors. The recommended investment period is at least 5 years. The amount that is reasonably invested in this fund depends primarily on the personal goals and opportunities of each investor. Therefore, potential investors are advised, before making a decision to invest in Generali TOP BRANDS, to see their assets, current and future cash needs, the planned investment period, as well as the personal relationship to the underwriting risk.

* Podatki na obračunski dan 25.07.2024

** Navedeno ne velja za produkt varčevalni paketi, kjer se izstopni stroški zaračunavajo, a le v primeru izplačila ali prenosa sredstev ali dela sredstev pred potekom petih let od prvega vplačila v paket, kadar ne gre za prenos med paketi. V tem primeru znašajo (največ) 2,50 %. 3,00 %.




Where and in what does the fund invest?

The fund invests in shares of companies that manage the strongest brands in the world. This is the right choice for investors who prefer a steady and reliable growth of their own bet.

The idea to look from a different angle to the great world players, with products and services that are all well known to us from everyday life (Apple, Coca Cola, Google, Nike, BMW, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Visa etc.)

Portfolio structure

Date: 30.06.2024

Consult our expert

Tell us about your wishes, the acceptable risk level, the amount you would like to invest, and the time period of investment. Based on that and together with you, we can compose a portfolio of funds or prepare a savings plan.

Želim naročiti pristopno izjavo


Registration form

Any natural or legal person can access to the selected fund and makes transaction by filling in registration form. The registration form contains the investor identification and contact information, as well as a written statement in which he/she declares that is familiar with the fund's rules of operation and fully understands and accepts them.

The completed and certified registration form can be submitted every working day at the Company's office or by email:

Selling form

If you decided to withdraw your savings from the fund, you must complete the selling form - state the amount and transaction account that you used.

The completed and certified selling form can be submitted every working day at the Company's office or by email:

If you need help to fill in the form, you can call us on the following telephone numbers +3892 60 90 300 or +389 78 424 885, each working day from 09:00 to 15:00.